Boletín Nacional Investigaciones Esenciales en Salud

Topic: INES(ENHR)- Nicaragua

Place: Managua

Organization: Comisión Nacional de Investigaciones Esenciales en Salud

Description: This Document reports on the current status of health research development in Uganda’s research institutions, and is particularly aimed at determining the progress in the field of health research and the problems experienced in implementing the ENHR plan for the period 1997-2001. Forty-eight institutions carrying out health research in Uganda answered a questionnaire addressing issues such as number of researchers, time spent on research, perception of the research environment, dissemination and use of research results, networking and collaboration among institutions. The study results show that there is a relatively well-developed health research system and a reasonable mass of researchers who are carrying out health research addressing almost all the health research priorities as set out in the ENHR plan for the period 1997-2001. There is, however, a need for further local, regional and international collaboration and more integrated multidisciplinary approaches to research. Researchers should include end-user communities, create networks, and talk with public and private health care providers who are usually the end users of research findings.

Date: 1994

Page Number: 8



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