A Report on the Workshop on ENHR Initiatives in Bangladesh

Place: Bangladesh

Organization: Directorate General of Health Services

Description: A profile of health research in Jamaica 1991-1995 was prepared. Of 43 organisations/research groups surveyed, 29 met the criteria of at least one peer reviewed publication between 1991-1995. Most had fewer than 20 professional staff of which less than 10 are engaged in health research, with a total of 201 health researchers. Institutional objectives and funding opportunities largely determined research priorities. On the whole, local research groups appear to be small, vulnerable, under-funded and deficient in basic equipment as well as trained and experienced researchers and support staff. These are compelling reasons for health researchers to come together to tackle common problems, promote collaboration and forge a joint strategy to strengthen health research capability in Jamaica.

Date: 1993

Page Number: 14



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