Record Paper 1: External Evaluation of COHRED

Organization: COHRED

Authors: Rockold, Dr Pia; Jegathesan, Dr M.; Adjel, Dr Sam

Description: COHRED is recognized by many as a ‘knowledge bank’ of information on health research for health equity at the country level, and on the creation and improvement of
Essential National Health Research (ENHR) and National Health Research Systems (NHRS) in developing countries. Its publications, guidelines and country analyses are widely used, and have served as the basis for policy papers, reviews and initiatives by many actors, including the World Health Organization, the Global Forum’s work in the areas of “Priority-setting”
and “Resource Flows”, and as input to other donor initiatives and regional international
forums. COHRED’s working groups (1996-2004) made a valuable contribution to encouraging support and adoption of ENHR concepts and strategies.

ISBN: 92-9226-003-0


English version

English version (full final report)