Research for Health Africa (R4HA) Initiative
The partners in this Initiative are the NEPAD Agency, COHRED and a core group of African countries that are intent on building strong systems for producing and managing research for health. Through stimulating cooperation between those responsible for the governance and management of research for health at national levels and at the level of research institutions, the Initiative aims to have an effect that will go beyond the countries in the primary partnership and set the scene for the exchange of expertise on research strengthening with other interested countries and institutions in Africa.
The target results of this four-year programme will be:
- to have in place structures enabling the effective governance and management of research for health in several African countries which will have set policies and priorities for research for health;
- an African platform for the exchange of expertise on management of research and health research – at the national, regional and continental levels;
- the strengthening of African centres of excellence that can support research for health governance and management throughout the continent; and
- a package of practical tools, methods and experiences that any country and institution – in Africa and even beyond – can use to optimise their own governance and management of research as a key strategy to improve health, equity and development.
The primary areas of investment in science and technology in Africa by the international community are health and agriculture. Through improving governance and management of research systems, this Initiative aims to increase both the ‘return on investment’ and the growth of further investment in research for health in Africa.