3 Choosing the best method

Use methods appropriate to local contexts and needs

Once the scope of the priority setting has been defined, it is necessary to decide on an analytical method that will help assess the information available, so as to generate the desired list of priority issues in the most useful form for stakeholders.

Key actions

   Decide on methods to be used to indentify priority issues

  • Choose appropriate method for local context and needs: methods using and compiling existing data (compound approaches), or methods providing insight in future health priorities (foresigthing techniques)
  • Consider use of more than one method
  • Adapt methods to specific setting and needs

   Decide on technique to be used for ranking priority issues

   More information on this step in full version of approach


   Compound approaches for identifying priority issues

  • Essential National Health Research Approach pdf
  • Burden of Disease Approach pdf
  • 3D Combined Approach Matrix pdf
  • Child Health Priorities Approach pdf

   Foresighting techniques for identifying priority issues

  • Visioning pdf
  • Backcasting pdf
  • Gaming pdf
  • Scenarios pdf
  • Horizon Scanning pdf
  • Driver Analysis pdf
  • Trend Analysis pdf
  • Delphi pdf
  • Roadmaps pdf
  • Modelling pdf
  • Simulation pdf

   Direct valuation techniques for ranking priority issues

  • Comparison in pairs (Introduction to Health Planning. P N Reeves, D E Bergwall, N B Woodside. Third Edition. Information Resources Press, Arlington, Virginia, 1984)
  • Anchored rating scale (Planning Methods for Health and Related Organisations. P C Nutt. John Wiley & Sons. Toronto, 1984)
  • Rank weight (Planning Methods for Health and Related Organisations. P C Nutt. John Wiley & Sons. Toronto, 1984)

   Indirect valuation techniques for ranking priority issues

  • Hanlon method (Public Administration and Practice. J J Hanlon, George E Pickett. Eighth Edition. Mirror/Moshy College Publishing. St. Louis, 1984)
  • Simplex method (Methods for Priority Setting in Area Wide Health Planning. J Drake et al. Arthur Young & Co., Washington DC, 1977. In Basic Health Planning Methods. Aspen System Corporation, Germantown, Maryland, 1978)

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