2 Setting the scene

Define the range of view that the priority setting process will cover

A clear definition of the scope of the work is a key step towards a successful management of the priority setting process. On the basis of the information gathered throughout step 1, the scope will inform on the aim and the extent of the new priority setting.

Key actions

   Define the aim and extent of the priority setting process

  • Scope – decide on focus (i.e. diseases, health system, health research system), timeframe, periodicity, and extent (national, sub national, institutional) of priority setting
  • Ethical standards – define the standards to which the priority setting process should comply
  • Engage partners – formalise the partnerships arrangement and define responsibilities

   More information on this step in full version of approach


   Defining the scope

  • Futures toolkit – deciding the scope pdf

   Defining ethical standards

  • Accountability for reasonableness pdf

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